Six Nations of the Grand River Development Corporation (SNGRDC) has launched the SNGRDC Pledge Program, which will pledge up to $50,000 towards capital projects on Six Nations.

This Pledge Program will require organizations to secure matching funding in the amount of the pledge before the pledge is advanced. The Program will open bi-annually in May and September and applications will be available online. Organizations may submit pledge requests for a minimum of $10,000 and up to a maximum of $50,000. Once organizations provide written proof that a matching financial commitment has been secured, SNGRDC’s pledge will be released.

Pledge applications will be released online on May 1, 2024. The application deadline for this round is November 8, 2024.

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Applications must be completed and submitted electronically with all supporting documents to Late or incomplete applications will not be accepted or reviewed. Before handing in your application, please ensure you have completed the application form correctly and attached all necessary documentation.

Physical copies of the application are available by request to pick up at our office (2498 Chiefswood Rd, Ohsweken).

Deadline: November 8, 2024 by 4:00pm EST

Questions? Please email or call (519) 753-1950 ext. 6045.


A capital project refers to a significant, long-term investment in assets or infrastructure that is expected to generate benefits over an extended period. These projects typically involve substantial financial resources and are crucial for the growth, expansion, or improvement of an organization. Capital projects often include the acquisition, construction, renovation, or enhancement of physical assets such as buildings, machinery, technology systems, or other long-term capital assets.

Capital projects are distinguished by their size, duration, and the anticipation of generating returns or providing essential services over an extended period. The funding for capital projects is usually allocated from a company’s capital budget rather than its operating budget, reflecting the strategic and long-term nature of these investments.

All Six Nations community organizations are eligible to apply, except:

  • Six Nations of the Grand River Elected Council including its departments
  • Privately-owned businesses

SNGRDC Pledge Program applications require the following:

  • Your requested pledge amount (minimum $10,000, maximum $50,000)
  • A plan to match SNGRDC’s pledge (capital campaign, fundraising plans, etc.)
  • A summary of how your pledge request addresses the needs of the Six Nations community as outlined in the 2019 Community Plan
  • Documentation outlining the financial need of the requested pledge amount

After your application is received, it will be reviewed by the SNGRDC Board of Directors (BOD). If your application is successful, you will be notified by email.

If your application is deemed successful, SNGRDC’s pledge will be released after you provide written proof showcasing a matching financial commitment. If funds cannot be matched within eighteen months, the pledge will no longer be valid. Unutilized pledge funding will not be carried forward into future years.

Applications can be submitted via email to, or in person at our office (2498 Chiefswood Rd, Ohsweken).

The Economic Development Trust (EDT) is an application-based system through which surplus profits generated by the Six Nations of the Grand River Development Corporation (SNGRDC), are invested into the Six Nations community for the collective benefit of its members. This funding is granted to Six Nations organizations to fund local projects and initiatives.

The Pledge Program is different than the EDT because it requires the organization applying to secure a financial commitment from another organization other than SNGRDC that matches the amount that the organization is requesting from SNGRDC.